Thursday, July 4, 2013

6% Computer in the world still run IE6

6% Computer in the world still run IE6
Internet Explorer 6 Countdown

Microsoft has launched Internet Explorer (IE) 10, and will soon starting debut in version 11 of the browser that is created it. However, though have been present various new versions of IE, but still there are the users who are using the older version.

According to the Internet Explorer 6 Countdown site, 6.3 percent of consumers in the world are still using 11-year-old browser. So far, Microsoft is reportedly have been seeks to encourage users to use newer versions of IE.

From various countries, China is the most "addiction" with IE6. As many as 24 percent of users in China are still running IE6 as their browser. However overall, IE6 users in the world has been reduced.

IE6 currently has a market share of 0.2 percent in the United States (U.S.), 0.3 percent in Argentina, 2.8 percent in India, 3.5 percent in Taiwan, and 1.7 percent in Russia.

"His name is Internet Explorer 6. But now already in 2013 which is era of modern web standards, it's time to say goodbye," wrote Microsoft in the Internet Explorer 6 Countdown site.


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