Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Animal shaped robots help healing the patients

Animal shaped robots help healing the patients

CANBERRA - The team of researchers from Griffith University, Australia and researchers from Germany revealed that Robo-pets (animal-shaped robot) can help in the healing of disease dementia (dementia) in patients.

A study has found that the interaction with a robot therapy will reduce anxiety and build a positive effect on the quality of their lives. this therapeutic robot is named PARO, which is a sea lion-shaped robots.

PARO is equipped with artificial intelligence software and tactile sensors that allow for respond to touch and sound. This can show emotions such as surprise, happiness and anger.

In addition, the robot also responds to the words that are often spoken man. This study involved 18 participants who were in aged care facilities in Queensland, Australia.

The participants take of activities in activity with PARO during five weeks and also participate in group activities for the some periods. The findings indicate that the robot give positive impact, effect clinically on quality of life, increased levels of pleasure and reduce the anxiety.

"Our study provides an important initial support for the idea related to robot that presenting supplement to the activities that are being used and can increasing human life as companions therapy and in particular, for those who experiencing the cognitive impairment moderate or heavy," said Glenda Cook researchers from Northumbria University.


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