Tuesday, May 28, 2013

7 Application best-selling in japan

7 Application best-selling in japan

TOKYO - How vegetables without salt if your smartphone is not equipped with a variety of useful applications. Here we summarize the seven most popular applications and the most widely used by smartphone users in Japan, as quoted from various sources:

1. Minbox 
This application allows you with easy and fast in transfer files with various sizes for free. Besides it, another cool feature is the conversion of photos or images in RAW format to JPG / JPEG, where Minbox will automatically convert the file after sent. This application is very suitable for those who often share the data in a very fast time. Unfortunately, Minbox only available for Mac only.

2. Unko Chat
Unko Chat is a chat service which is devoted to users who are on the toilet. Not only that, the funny thing is when you log into this application and was sitting on the toilet.

3. Whisper 
Another name is anonymous social network, because it contains an online message board intended for anyone without a name. Yes, users will be encouraged to reveal their biggest secret to the world. Top recognition in Whispers this will be displayed on the site's home page. To can use this application, then the user must spend for $ 5, 99 per month previously.

4. Gifzo
This app is touted as an application that offers the easiest way to produce pictures or images in GIF format. You just enough select the image, edit with available buttons then share. Unfortunately, this app is only available in Japanese language.

5. Slid.es 
Slid.es is an online service that gives users "the easiest way to make and share presentations which interesting 'on any device. After you make this account, you can easily make a slide similar to PowerPoint or Keynote for free.

6. Kitchhike
This application has the concept of the kitchen cuisine and will bring you into the world of the kitchen with a million of delicious food. Through Kitchhike, tourists can sample and know local foods in Japan. This application also recommend Japanese sites as a way to meet with strangers who are in the state of sakura.

7. Web Designer Japan
This site allows users to search for freelance web designer based in Japan. Unfortunately, this site is only devoted to the Japanese people and living in the japan area only.


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